Groundswell surf festival

Groundswell Scotland’s annual surf festival bringing intention and connection into surfing, primal flow, nature connection, intention, music, fire, and fitness through sea, ceremony and celebration of women and waves.

We fundraise so that we can support you to access our programmes, please get in touch for more information.

Bringing surfsisters together

Festival fundraisers  go towards paying forward surf therapy courses for women, build community and bring our surf community  together around this common cause.

*limited numbers of wetsuits and surfboards can be hired and we have limited numbers. Please purchase the correct festival ticket with or without wetsuit and surfboard hire at point of sale.


Sample schedule


  • 0900-0915 Arrive- kit/ pick up
  • 0930-1000 Opening ceremony & beach familiarisation
  • 1000-1100 Primal Flow with Ruth
  • 1100-1130 SNACK and change into wetsuits
  • 1130-1400 Coached beginner & intermediate surfing
  • 1400-1500 LUNCH soup and sandwiches, tea and coffee are provided at 2pm
  • 1500-1700 Nature Connection walk, folklore and plants with Abby (& optional sea dip)
  • 1730-1830 DINNER (bring your own extra food)
  • 1830-1930 Music and story telling with Harley
  • 1930-2000 Closing Ceremony